The Quest to Bring RGB Lighting to Everything Part 47: Dice

The Quest to Bring RGB Lighting to Everything Part 47: Dice

RGB keyboards, case fans, and RAM sticks are nice, but they are tied to the computer desk; when you take them to the tabletop for a D&D session, not only does your décor remain one color instead of flashing rainbow colors, it doesn't glow at all.

There is finally hope for the non-luminescent tabletop: the Pixels dice not only glow, but also demonstrate the ability to detect what is being waved and adjust the light production accordingly.

The dice charge wirelessly when placed in a special case and can be customized via Bluetooth with a smartphone app (currently iOS only, but more apps will be added in the future). Despite all that is going on inside the dice, manufacturer Systemic Games states in its FAQ that the dice are "very close" to perfectly balanced. An older FAQ states that early prototypes were not balanced, but that they are getting better and better.

Pixels are not yet available for sale, but a Kickstarter campaign is planned for this summer, and the dice will ship about 6 months after the campaign ends. all formats used in D&D and other typical tabletop games, from d20 to d4. The estimated price is 25.00 per die. Estimated prices range from $25 to $30 per die, so a full set will not be cheap.

The glowing dice are not the only Pixels, but they are the most advanced I've seen, and they don't look like tacky Las Vegas souvenirs. It's luminescence and Bluetooth connectivity technology packed into a standard-sized dice.

Systemic Games, the company that made the dice, is a small company based in Rockville, Maryland. Those familiar with Maryland geography as it relates to game development will not be surprised to learn that this company was founded by a former Bethesda Softworks developer: Systemic Games also produces Bomb Squad Academy.

Here's another video of the Pixels die in action:
