Category : Mmo

That ugly Nvidia Ampere cooler costs $150.

That ugly Nvidia Ampere cooler costs $150.

The Nvidia Ampere cards for us PC gamers are getting closer and closer, and the number of leaked information is growing. Over the weekend, there was a...

Travel to deep space with Elite's massive new fleet of carriers.

Travel to deep space with Elite's massive new fleet of carriers.

A new update to the space sim Elite Dangerous, released today for free, adds a massive fleet carrier ship to the game that fills the screen. This mass...

Magic: The Gathering Exclusive Card Revealed Chandra Brings Battle-hardened Friends

Magic: The Gathering Exclusive Card Revealed Chandra Brings Battle-hardened Friends

Magic: The Gathering's powerful pyromancer makes a comeback in the next installment of M:TG. Wizards of the Coast has sent us four card previews to ge...

Infinity Ward Steps Up Efforts to Combat Racist Abuse in "Modern Warfare," Promises "We Know We Have to Do More"

Infinity Ward Steps Up Efforts to Combat Racist Abuse in "Modern Warfare," Promises "We Know We Have to Do More"

Racist abuse in online games is nothing new and is so common that in 2018 we compiled a list of consequences for racist remarks in popular online game...

The RPG "Waylanders" features many pets.

The RPG "Waylanders" features many pets.

The upcoming RPG The Waylanders will be revealed at the IGN Summer Showcase, whose main event was recently postponed to June 8. In the meantime, we've...

Intel Suggests High-Tech Industry "Go from Benchmark to Benefit"

Intel Suggests High-Tech Industry "Go from Benchmark to Benefit"

Intel CEO and "Untitled Swan Game" star Bob "Robert" Swan revealed that the next generation "Tiger Lake" generation of notebooks is scheduled to be an...

PSA: Scary Guys Launch Phishing Campaign with Fake Covid-19 Stats

PSA: Scary Guys Launch Phishing Campaign with Fake Covid-19 Stats

According to Microsoft security researchers, there has been a "steady increase" in unsolicited email attachments containing malicious Excel 4.0 macros...

Microsoft Announces New Accessibility Features in Windows 10

Microsoft Announces New Accessibility Features in Windows 10

Microsoft has announced new accessibility features will be added to Windows 10, starting with the May 2020 update, allowing users to adjust the text c...