Category : Mmo

For $699, you can buy a good gaming PC there.

For $699, you can buy a good gaming PC there.

We live in a crazy world where toilet paper is the hottest product in the supermarket and a set of four wheels for a Mac Pro costs $699. I don't know ...

Someone has reunited the Fellowship of the Ring in "Mount & Blade 2: Banner Road".

Someone has reunited the Fellowship of the Ring in "Mount & Blade 2: Banner Road".

Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord already has a lot of mods, and there will be many more conversion mods to come. converting Bannerlord into a Lord of the R...

This high-speed Wi-Fi 6 router is on sale for $160.

This high-speed Wi-Fi 6 router is on sale for $160.

Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) is likely to take a while to really take off. Still, if I were to buy a new gaming router now, I would skip all the Wi-Fi 5 (802.11...

This no-frills 4K display sells for less than $300.

This no-frills 4K display sells for less than $300.

Newegg has reduced the price of its Asus 4K monitor to $270. This is $60 less than the Amazon price, which currently sells for $330. The term "gaming ...

Valorant accounts are being sold for $150, but Riot warns that buyers may be banned.

Valorant accounts are being sold for $150, but Riot warns that buyers may be banned.

Valorant's closed beta launched yesterday and was a huge hit: Riot announced today that it set a new daily viewing time record for a single game categ...

Pilot a Giant Stomping Mecha in New "No Man's Sky" Update

Pilot a Giant Stomping Mecha in New "No Man's Sky" Update

[They include spaceships, living spaceships, submarines, hoverbikes, motorcycles, giant trucks, and dune baby carriages. You can even tame and ride mo...

Steam's top-selling "Last Oasis" was a flop after its launch and was temporarily taken offline and given a full refund.

Steam's top-selling "Last Oasis" was a flop after its launch and was temporarily taken offline and given a full refund.

Last Oasis, like many multiplayer games, did not have a smooth launch. The early access survival MMO was released on March 26, but by the evening of t...

Looking for a project to pass the time" 3D print a NAS box!

Looking for a project to pass the time" 3D print a NAS box!

I'm going crazy already" If you want to get out of the game (sort of!), you can try printing out your own network-attached storage (NAS) box. If you o...